We've had fairly decent weather in China - minimal rain and not terribly hot. But I have to say, I would have taken an extra 10 degrees on Wednesday if it meant we had clear weather for our trip to the Great Wall.

We chose to climb the section with fewer people that isn't as high. Because a dense fog kept us from seeing more than 100 yards in any direction, we really didn't need the extra height.

  • There are a lot of stairs.
  • The stair steps were varying heights that made them more challenging to climb.
  • Fog is not an amateur photographer's friend

Another classic shot of me on the stairs by Ryan. At least these stairs are relevant to the story.
The stairs we are destined to climb.
A statue at the bottom of the hill.
Temples and pagodas visible along the hill.
On the first landing. Still feeling pretty good at this point. A lot of stairs yet to come.
View from the first landing.
With Justin, our fabulous tour guide.
This is Chairman Mao's handwriting. It says, "A man is not a man until he has goes to the Great Wall."
Ryan and I were quite the attraction. Several tour groups asked to have their pictures taken with us. Justin said most of the groups were from Southern China based on the hats they were wearing. 

Ryan and his approximately 20 phrases in Mandarin made him quite popular with the ladies. 
Justin being pressed into service as a photographer yet again.
One of the ladies who requested a picture with us.
Incidentally, weather predictions must be a closely guarded secret in China. None of our usual weather apps have provided us with an accurate forecast here.

On Thursday, for example, Weather.com, The Weather Channel, and Apple's weather app all said it would be at least 91 degrees in Beijing. Only the BBC got close - saying a high of 79 degrees and cloudy. I'd be very surprised if the actual reading was higher than 70. It's clearly a cover-up. But why?
6/7/2013 10:11:51 am

Glad some of the Chinese phrases I taught you have increased your "celebrity status". I did warn you about the requests for pictures. ;) Just don't let it go to your head.


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    Elizabeth is a librarian and Ryan is a journalist. We are traveling to Beijing and Xi'an this summer. 


    June 2013
    May 2013

