Today's topic is bathroom related, so feel free to skip it if you think it's just TMI. Trust me, I'll understand. 

Most babies in China don't wear diapers. They wear pants that are split in the crotch, and their parents hold them up over a bush, a nice grassy area, or somewhere else convenient* when it's time to go. I find this concept fascinating. 

We went to a large open-air mall on Thursday, meaning we got to see this phenomenon in action. Well, Ryan is the only one of us who happened to see it in action, if you know what I mean. But I did spot several children wearing these pants and one family cleaning up after a child they didn't get to the grass in time. 

This is a topic that has been well documented in the press, and it appears changes are coming slowly.

I understand that this practice is environmentally friendly as well as a cultural tradition, but it seems to me that parents would be frequently covered in pee. And so would your belongings. And it totally explains why people here remove their shoes before entering the house, since who would want to track urine everywhere?

As for me, I am so, so happy to live in a society that has embraced the diaper -- whatever kind it is.


*By convenient, Kate says it's just "Wherever they are at that moment."

Bonus material - Less sensitive headlines suggested for this post:
  • No butts about it, urine China now
  • Just say no to crack

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    Elizabeth is a librarian and Ryan is a journalist. We are traveling to Beijing and Xi'an this summer. 


    June 2013
    May 2013

