Courting couples in China have a few rituals that make them stand out.

First, some dress in matching outfits. Kate says this is even more common in Shanghai, but we saw a handful of examples in Xi'an.

I find this incredibly amusing considering Ryan's VERY strict rules of us not dressing alike, which are summarized below to the best of my understanding:
  • We cannot both wear jeans, T-shirts and Chucks.
  • We cannot wear the same color pants (even jeans), unless all other aspects of the outfits differ widely.
  • We can't both wear hooded sweatshirts or blazers at the same time, regardless of color. 
  • We can't wear the same shade of any color at any time. 
  • And if one of the above happens accidentally, then one of us must change clothes. 

Therefore it seems highly unlikely that a situation like this would ever occur:
So the second practice that seems to be a point of pride for those who are young and newly in love is the carrying of purses. Men frequently carry their own purse-like bags here anyway. But young men are even more likely to be seen with their paramours' fashionable tote tucker over a shoulder. 

Ryan, on the other hand, believes that my purse should only be held with a firm grip at arm's reach and accessorized with a grimace, so that everyone is aware that it is (a) not his purse and (b) that he does not condone my request that he hold it, however briefly. 
Admittedly, getting Ryan to do either of the first two would be far-fetched. I think I might be too old myself to truly take pleasure in either one. 

But this last one can be appreciated at any age. 

There are these adorable tandem bikes you can rent to tour the City Wall in Xi'an. Men take the front seat (and do most of the hard work), while women sit in the back under sun parasols and look lovely. 

I suggested that we rent one, and Ryan's facial response made Grumpy Cat look more like Snoopy doing his happy dance.

- Elizabeth

Ryan's response: Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum dress alike, couples shouldn't. 

Dudes don't wear purses. Period. 

And I would be open to the tandem bike. But you have to pedal too, Elizabeth. 
6/2/2013 01:19:34 am

Wait a minute, didn't Ryan and Sydney have matching jackets a few years ago?
I think the tandem bikes are a neat idea, and I'm sure Elizabeth would do her share of the pedaling.


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    Elizabeth is a librarian and Ryan is a journalist. We are traveling to Beijing and Xi'an this summer. 


    June 2013
    May 2013

